Ministry Matters
Overview and reports from Committee heads in the
Fall of 2023
Our Children & Youth
Our intergenerational format allows our young people to know that not only does God love them but so does their church family. We also accommodate children with special needs. Every third Sunday of the month the children and youth stay in worship for Communion. This gives the children the valuable opportunity to experience the worship service with the whole community.
In our nursery we build the foundation that church is a fun and safe place to be. At this age we do not enforce a curriculum. Our goal is to provide a safe and loving place for your children while giving you the opportunity to focus on building your relationship with God during service.
S.A.L.T. Sunday School Program
Sharing And Learning Together:
Kids from kindergarten through fifth grade meet every Sunday morning, during the main service to study planned lessons that include prayer, music, Bible teaching, service learning, and crafts.
Our youth meet on the First and Third Sundays in a home setting. The group is called, "Fortnight". There is also a Confirmation Class that is intertwined with Fortnight every two years.
Each summer, instead of traditional Vacation Bible School, at The Church at Woodmoor, our Faith Formation team puts together a week of service/missions for children/youth and their friends. Rise week is full of activities revolving around serving our Family, Friends, Church, Community, World, and God--just as Jesus did!
RISE VBS July 2024 A week of serving our Family, Friends, Church, Community and our World.
Men's Bible Study
The Men's Group meets on Thursday Mornings
at 8:15 am
Women's Bible Study
Women’s Bible Study typically meets on Thursday mornings at 9:30 am. Every few weeks they begin a new study, sometimes on a book and other times on a book of the bible. They share, laugh and study the word of God!
Memoirs is a group who are writing about their lives. They inspire each other to bring out the stories that need to be told! Meetings are typically on the 2nd and the 4th Wednesdays of the month.
Adult Choir
Our Adult Choir meets during the school year. All are welcome to sing praises to our Lord! We sing to glorify God and to enliven the scriptures through song, enhancing the worship experience for the congregation.
Congregational Care
Our Congregational Care team, led by Merry Lee Watson, give our members opportunities to care for one another by making phone calls, visits, sending cards, praying for and/or taking food to folks, and a multitude of other services so needed!
WOW - Women of Woodmoor
The Women of Woodmoor is open to all women! We have several interest groups.
WoW Cooking: Women who like to get together and cook! (Image of cooks)
Bible Study: Women who like to gather to learn, share and grow!
WoW Book: Women who like to read and gather quarterly to discuss the chosen book.
Knit Wits: A group of women who gather to knit/crochet, laugh, talk, and help others. Projects include mats for the homeless, prayer shawls, newborn and preemie hats, hats for college students and many more wonderful items.